A Welcome for First Time Visitors

The members of the Morgan Park Baptist Church (located on a small island of land at 110th and Bell Avenue – two blocks east of Western Avenue) would like to welcome you to attend our church services held on Sundays at 11 AM. We welcome you to enter the church via the red doors facing South Bell Avenue – just to the left of our outdoor sign (right for our parlor).  However, if you require additional assistance, we welcome you to enter the church on the north side of our building where we have a handicap ramp (and handicapped parking) in addition to a chair lift.

Bathrooms can be found in the basement 
You will be greeted with a warm welcome from a cheerful Christian church family.  We are a close-knit group and hope to add you as a member of our loyal family.  Our members range in age from 2 to 83, with programs and events for everyone! Our church has been in the Beverly/Morgan Park area for over 135 years. We are the oldest church in Morgan Park. Our congregation is roughly 50% African-American and 50% Caucasian.  

If you would like to visit or chat with us during the week, we welcome you to call the church office (773-445-9443 .  We can’t wait to meet you!

Morgan Park

 Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Joel Mitchell, Pastor

11024 S. Bell Avenue 

Chicago, IL 60643
