Rev. Dr. Joel Mitchell, Pastor

Morgan Park

 Baptist Church

11024 S. Bell Avenue 

Chicago, IL 60643


Reflection July 3, 2016

More Proverbs
Rev. Dr. Thomas Aldworth

     While I concluded my preaching on the Book of Proverbs last Sunday, I wish to note some of my own “home-grown” proverbs in this week’s Advance.

     I also want to restate something I said this past Sunday: by the end of our “Summer of Wisdom” - I’d like to put together an edition of the Advance - filled with bits of wisdom from the members of our beloved church.

     I am inviting everyone to send me (through email, regular mail or on a piece of paper at church) a pithy piece of wisdom that you would like to share. Please add your name to the piece of wisdom. It can take the form of a proverb, a wise saying or also a piece of advice, especially for our young people.

     Please feel free to share with us something that life has taught YOU! I invite all the readers of the Advance to join in this sharing. I need these “wise sayings” by the middle of August. So let’s get our wisdom on!


     Here are some proverbs that I’ve written over the years:


     Don’t clothe yourself with cynicism; cynicism chokes the Spirit and suffocates the soul.

     Constantly remembering past wounds only makes them bleed again; healing requires a judicious forgetfulness and appropriate forgiveness.

     Arrogance is never attractive.

     Learning how to take a punch is usually more helpful than learning how to throw a punch.

     Dignity can never be bought; it can only be sought.

     If you seek to belittle others, you will always become the first victim.

     Remember that no matter how bad you have it, many people in the world have it worse.

     Remember that the world owes you nothing; life itself is your greatest gift.

     Being cool usually isn’t.

     Greed transforms everyone into an enemy; it is the fatal flaw of capitalism.

     God is much more concerned with what we do than with what we think.

     Don’t set the world on fire; it’s in enough trouble already.

     Don’t waste your life demanding what you have no right to demand.

     Don’t pretend to know more than you do; ignorance is almost always transparent.

     If you are doing or saying anything significant, you will be attacked; learn not to always take it personally.

     The abuse and misuse of power is the prevailing sin of our times.

     No one has it all together; everyone is wounded.

     Shyness is not always a liability; the soul is shy by nature.

     It is crucial to fall in love with the life you’ve been given.

     Every life enriches God; each life adds to the divine symphony.

     God is not an absentee landlord; God is always present.

     The life of faith is not primarily about personal salvation; the life of faith is a communal call into the heart of Love.

     We have two hungers planted in us by our Maker: a hunger for God and a hunger for each other.

     Arguments of all kinds usually keep us from God.

     God is best sought through the heart - not the head.

     Life is about intimacy: intimacy with God and with at least one other person.

     Life is not meant to be traveled solo.